Do Root Canals Cause Cancer? Here’s What Science Says

August 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 1:04 am
Patient looking uncomfortable before their root canals

Have you ever heard a rumor at school or around the office that grew until everyone believed it? Sometimes that can happen even in the dental community. In this case, it’s a study that has been circulating for years about the idea that root canals can cause cancer. Ever since it was introduced, it’s caused uncertainty, leading patients to avoid this essential dental treatment. But where did this myth come from, and is there any truth to it? Continue reading to learn the facts.

Where Did the Study Come From?

The myth that root canals cause cancer stems from a study conducted by a dentist named Dr. Weston A. Price. In 1925, he published a paper claiming that root canals trap harmful bacteria in the tooth, leading to chronic illnesses. However, Dr. Price’s research has been widely discredited by the scientific community due to flaws in his methods and lack of reliable evidence.

Despite the debunking of Price’s work, his study has been passed around and rehashed. Most recently, it’s found new life on the internet among some alternative health circles. Even so, it’s important to understand that this research is not supported by modern dental science.

What Does Modern Dental Science Say?

So, if the claims have been debunked, then what is the truth according to science? Extensive research conducted by reputable institutions, including the American Association of Endodontists and the American Cancer Society, has found no credible link between root canals and cancer.

In fact, these peer-reviewed and tested studies have shown that root canal treatments are safe and effective! They have been proven to be essential for saving teeth that might otherwise need to be extracted.

Why You Should Trust the Experts

Plenty of ideas are shared on the internet every day. However, just because someone makes a claim, doesn’t mean they’re an expert. Dental professionals, backed by years of education and experience, pride themselves on providing safe and effective treatments and education.

If you ever have concerns about dental procedures like root canals, it’s best to discuss them with your dentist. They are there to provide you with accurate information and ensure that you receive the best care possible!

About the Practice

Dr. Parnam “Patrick” Mohanna and Dr. Dalia Georgy are passionate dental experts who absolutely love sharing their knowledge with patients. They use advanced dental technology and techniques to ensure that every visit is as stress-free as possible. Whether you’re getting a filling or a root canal, your comfort is their first priority. Call (918) 216-1000 to schedule an appointment at 918 Dentist of Glenpool or visit our website to learn more.

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