918 Dentist Blog

How Can I Make Thanksgiving Dinner Teeth-Friendly?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 11:55 pm
Thanksgiving spread

Thanksgiving dinner is a time-honored tradition in America that commemorates all the things we’re grateful for. It’s a smorgasbord of savory and sweet fare that can delight the palate and lead to a nice nap after the meal. Unfortunately, not all of the foods at the Thanksgiving feast are as healthy for your teeth as others. Here are a few tips to keep your Thanksgivin from leading to tooth decay and other oral health problems down the line.


October Is National Dental Hygiene Month! Here’s How to Keep Your Smile Healthy All Year Round

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 11:15 pm
Woman smiles

With all the spooky decorations and showers of candy that come during the Halloween season, many people are completely unaware that October is also National Dental Hygiene Month. This is a good thing, too, because all that candy means that it’s even more important to take good care of your teeth. Here are a few tips to keep your smile beautiful for October and the rest of the year.


Will It Hurt to Have Invisalign Attachments Removed? 

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 3:51 am
male patient having Invisalign attachments removed

The day has arrived when you are finished with orthodontic treatment. You’ve made it through all of the aligner sets, and it’s now time to have your Invisalign attachments removed. Thinking back to how long it took to have them put on, you wonder if the process will take just as long when it comes to having them taken off. And what about possible pain? Will it hurt? Find out why you have nothing to worry about when it comes to this fast and painless process.


Can I Get Invisalign If I Grind My Teeth?

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 2:30 pm
Girl in white shirt holding clear aligner and smiling in front of a gray background

Many patients who struggle with bruxism and grinding their teeth involuntarily deal with issues like from TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction as well as misaligned teeth. The traditional orthodontic treatment for these issues has typically involved standard metal braces that work to straighten teeth and readjust jaw alignment over time.  

This isn’t the only choice for restoring smiles, though. Many patients with bruxism are curious about Invisalign, but wonder if their clenching their teeth will impact the trays. No one wants to invest in getting clear braces just to damage them, after all! If you are interested in this option but have hesitated because of your teeth grinding, keep reading to discover whether Invisalign is the right fit for you.


What Does Sedation Dentistry Feel Like?

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 3:02 am
patient undergoing dental sedation

Sedation dentistry is a specialized branch of dental care that focuses on administering medications to help patients relax and feel comfortable during dental procedures. When preparing for your appointment, your dental team will discuss various sedation options with you to determine the most suitable choice for your needs. If you’re unfamiliar with dental sedation, you might be curious about the experience. Keep reading as we explore the sensations associated with three common types of dental sedation.


Sedation Dentistry Can Do More Than Relieve Your Anxiety

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 5:47 pm
a dental patient giving a thumbs up before a procedure

Is it that time of year to visit your dentist for a checkup and cleaning? Finally scheduled that treatment you’ve been needing for a while? While dental visits may be important for your oral health, does the thought of undergoing a procedure make you incredibly anxious? If this is the case, your dentist can offer sedation dentistry to help you fight off your dental fears. Not only will it make you feel less nervous, but it can also do so much more. Read on to learn a few benefits of sedation dentistry that aren’t related to dental anxiety.


3 Preliminary Dental Implant Procedures You Might Need 

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 7:43 pm
bone graft

Not all patients require preliminary dental implant procedures. However, it is not uncommon during a regular consultation that your dentist recommends one or more treatments to improve the state of your oral health and jawbone. When preparing for permanent prosthetics to replace your missing teeth, your mouth and facial structures must be as dense and stable as possible, so here are three potential procedures you might need before receiving dental implants.


Can a Dental Implant Get a Cavity?

April 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 7:45 pm
pointing to a dental implant in someone's mouth

Dental implants are sometimes referred to as the “gold standard” of tooth replacement, and there are a few reasons why that’s the case. For one, they outlast other tooth replacement options by decades, with many enduring as long as 30 years with proper maintenance. They also afford a much stronger bite than dentures, for example.

If you’ve lost teeth in the past, you may wonder whether dental implants could be susceptible to similar problems. You might hope that they won’t get cavities, for instance. If you’re curious, here’s what you should know about dental implants and tooth decay.


4 Reasons It is Worth Completing Your Smile with Dental Implants

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 12:30 pm
a dentist smiling and holding a replica of a dental implant

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, roughly 120 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth. And, unfortunately, these numbers are expected to increase in the next two decades. The good news is that dental implants are an amazing tooth replacement option. Widely considered the gold standard of tooth loss solutions, implants offer incomparable stability and longevity by replacing teeth from root to crown. Yet, since they are a bit more in cost than dentures or bridges, people often wonder if they are worth it. Here are four reasons why they are a worthy investment in your smile!


Can a Smoker Get Dental Implants?

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 5:23 am
a man breaking a cigarette in half

Dental implants are considered the gold standard of tooth-replacement options. They are a strong, long-lasting, and natural solution to rebuilding your smile. By using biocompatible titanium steel posts, they replace your pearly whites from root to crown and integrate easily into your jawbone. However, your oral health needs to be stable in order to get dental implants as a tooth loss solution. Your daily habits, such as smoking, can affect the state of your oral health. Here’s what to know about dental implants and being a smoker.

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