Put Your Concerns to Rest with These Sedation Dentistry Facts

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Parnam Mohanna @ 11:12 pm
Canister of nitrous oxide

Many people live with dental phobias or other conditions that make it nearly impossible for them to sit calmly during appointments at their dentists’ offices. The American Dental Association recommends seeing your dentist at least twice a year for routine exams and cleanings, and neglecting to attend these appointments can lead to serious oral health consequences like tooth loss, jawbone erosion, or possibly dangerous secondary infections like sepsis. Here are a few facts about how sedation dentistry works and who it can help.

It Begins with a Consultation

One of the reasons that sedation dental treatments are incredibly safe is that a patient must have a consultation before receiving them. During this meeting, your dentist will review your medical history and evaluate your oral health to ensure you can receive a sedation treatment without any complications. Based on their findings, they will recommend a suitable sedation solution for you.

Nitrous Oxide Is Simple and Side-Effect Free

Nitrous oxide, also called laughing gas, has been used to help dental patients remain calm and comfortable during treatment for almost two centuries, and it has proven itself to be a safe and effective method during this time. The gas is mixed with oxygen and administered through a hose attached to a mask over the nose, and the patient will feel calm and relaxed soon after the treatment starts. The effects wear off within minutes of the treatment ceasing, and patients can expect to be able to drive home afterward.

Oral Conscious Sedation Can Keep Dental Care Comfortable

A dentist may recommend oral conscious sedation to help a patient sit comfortably in the treatment chair. This form of dental sedation involves your dentist prescribing an anti-anxiety pill to be taken immediately before your next appointment. The effects should set in by the beginning of your treatment, leaving you relaxed but awake and able to respond to instructions and questions. Your dental team will carefully monitor your health while you are sedated, and, while the effects will wear off after a few hours, you’ll need a trusted individual to drive you home from the office.

IV Sedation Can Help Severe Cases

IV sedation may be the ideal solution for patients with moderate or severe dental anxiety as well as those who are scheduled to receive several extensive procedures during one appointment. This treatment is administered to a vein, and you will start feeling more relaxed and comfortable as soon as the sedative enters your bloodstream.

While many patients report feeling like they slept during their appointments, this treatment leaves you awake and able to respond to questions and instructions. Your dentist will diligently monitor your vital signs while you are sedated to ensure your safety, and you will need a trusted friend or family member to give you a ride home after treatment.

Sedation dentistry has played a key role in helping many people keep their smiles shiny and healthy for a lifetime. Consulting with your dentist can help you determine if any of these treatments can be right for you.

About the Author

Dr. Parnam “Patrick” Mohanna earned his dental degree at the University of Oklahoma and keeps his skills up to date with continuing education coursework. He is also a proud member of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and a Diplomate and Fellow with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. His offices in Glenpool and Sperry offer general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as sedation dentistry services. To learn more about sedation dentistry, contact his practice online.

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